What is Redeemer?
Welcome to The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, a community of “inquiring and discerning hearts”. You will find us to be a caring community, with supportive and listening leaders who are here to help you in your journey, and to hold you when you most need it. Worship and preaching will help deepen and center your faith as you wrestle with the difficult questions about the Church’s role in society and our communities, and our purpose in God’s universe.
We are an Anglican church, part of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington under the umbrella of the global Anglican Communion under its historic head at Canterbury. The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde is our Bishop, and the 1979 Book of Common Prayer is the basis of our worship that dates back to Thomas Cranmer’s 1549 edition, the first prayer book in the vernacular.
Our spirituality is open to the mystery of all that is Holy, and leads us to seek out God in the world. We celebrate and honor the beauty of God’s creation. We uphold the dignity of every human being, and we project a firm sense of justice for the weakest in our midst.
Our worship celebrates Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. It brings together human talents and gifts to uplift our communal expression of joy. It is a reflection of the standards we uphold and feeds us to go out into the world to live our Baptismal Covenant:
to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ; to seek and serve Christ in all persons; to love our neighbors as ourselves; to strive for justice and peace among all people; and to respect the dignity of every human being.
We work to do all of this with God’s help, through our community of faith that we build together in the name of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Make things happen.
Sign-ups are posted in the Parish Hall and on-line, we always need chairs of events and volunteers to staff them. Regular events are the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, greening the church for Advent, keeping the gardens and building maintained, collecting clothes for the homeless and food for the hungry, and our annual fundraiser, the Strawberry Festival.
Build worship together.
Involvement of the people, the ‘laity’, is central to our communal expression of praise and “liturgy” is derived from the Greek for “work of the people”. Those who feel called to a distinct role in worship (and those who are unsure and want to explore how they could serve) are encouraged to speak to a member of the clergy, vestry or staff. Ways to participate in liturgy are as Ushers, Lectors, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, teaching Sunday School, and Acolytes.
Support artistic expression.
Music plays a central role at Redeemer. Our choir supports congregational worship and individuals also share their talents with instrumental offerings. Geoffrey Silver, Director of Music Ministries, oversees the Adult and Children’s Choirs, Bell Choir, and curates the Music at Redeemer concert series. Sculpture, paintings, and other art forms can be experienced at Redeemer.
What does it mean to be a “parishioner” or “member”?
Everyone who wishes to be a part of Redeemer’s community is considered a “member”.
Most members will:
Sign-up for our newsletter and make every effort to attend worship and events to build relationships necessary to support a life of faith through prayer, study, and formation;
Regularly attend worship;
Take part in opportunities for mission and outreach to those beyond the church walls;
Make an annual financial pledge to support the life and ministry of Redeemer;
Volunteer their gifts in ministry to others.