We warmly invite you to visit The Church of the Redeemer in person!
The church is located at 6201 Dunrobbin Drive, near the intersection of Goldsboro Road and MacArthur Boulevard, in the Bannockburn neighborhood of Bethesda.
Redeemer parishioners take seriously their ministry to one another as fellow members of the Body of Christ, and we eagerly and enthusiastically welcome visitors.
Directions to The Church of the Redeemer:
From the Beltway (Exit 39): Exit at River Road (Exit 39). Go east towards Washington, DC. In one mile, turn right onto Wilson Lane. Take Wilson Lane to its end, at Macarthur Boulevard. Turn left onto MacArthur Boulevard. Make a second left turn onto Dunrobbin Drive. The church will be on your right.
From River Road going east towards Washington, DC: See "From the Beltway" above.
From River Road going west towards Potomac: Turn left onto Goldsboro Road. Take Goldsboro to its end at MacArthur Boulevard. Turn right onto MacArthur Boulevard. Pass the Glen Echo Shopping Center (on the right). Make the very next right onto Dunrobbin Drive. The church will be on your right.
Coming out MacArthur Boulevard from Washington, DC: Follow MacArthur Boulevard west into Bethesda. Pass the Irish Inn at Glen Echo (on left) and Goldsboro Road (on right). After passing the Glen Echo Shopping Center (on right), make the very next right onto Dunrobbin Drive. The church will be on your right.
Coming out Massachusetts Avenue from Washington, DC: Take Massachusetts Avenue to its end at Goldsboro Road. Turn left onto Goldsboro Road and proceed down hill to MacArthur Boulevard. At the Glen Echo Shopping Center, turn right onto MacArthur Boulevard. Make the very next right onto Dunrobbin Drive. The church will be on your right.
From Metro: Take the Red Line to the Friendship Heights stop. Board the Montgomery County Ride-On Bus 29 towards Glen Echo. Exit at the intersection of Goldsboro Road and MacArthur Boulevard. Walk past the Glen Echo Shopping Center. The church is on the corner of Benalder and Dunrobbin Drives just past the shopping center.
For detailed directions to The Church of the Redeemer, please visit MapQuest or Google Maps.