Rolling Past Last Year's Pledge Goal!

Update January 2, 2024: With prayerful thanks to you all, we now have 58 pledges, 4 more than the total pledges last year. Of those 58 pledges, 25 are higher than last year, 8 are lower, and 15 have stayed the same. Finally―and happily―10 pledges are from new or returning parishioners. The total so far is $367,265 which puts us well over last year's total pledges of $337,430. We're growing!

Keep rolling―we're not done yet!

Tom and Mary K
2024 Stewardship Chairs

Preparing to Grow in Size and Spirit

Dear Redeemer friends,

Despite some tough times in recent years, we who love Redeemer have continued to enjoy the many blessings that go with being part of the church. You, members of the Redeemer congregation and community, have been a source of deep joy and connection, even during the many months of COVID-imposed disconnection.

As the saying goes, however, “out of challenge comes opportunity.” Redeemer has taken the opportunity— as we have prepared for our search for a new rector—to look at our strengths and challenges. We have had deeply meaningful conversations to both heal raw feelings and rediscover the blessings of our community. We are once again ready to sow the seeds of a bountiful future.

As members of our congregation, you are the ones who plant these seeds. You do it above all by trying to live your lives as Jesus would have us live them – marked by love, kindness, generosity, and forgiveness. This is what makes Redeemer so special. In a more practical sense, you do it with your stewardship – your pledge of time, talent, and treasure each year. Redeemer depends on these for its existence. There are no federal or foundational grants out there; Redeemer is entirely the creation of its parishioners.

That’s especially important as we begin to interview candidates for our new rector. If we want to attract the best of those out there, we need to be able to offer an attractive package of salary and benefits. That comes entirely from your generosity. The fact is, we’re in a pretty good position on that front: having examined our budget closely, your vestry has concluded that we need only a 10% increase in pledges to have both a full-time rector, and also a full-time music director -- both roles being critical to Redeemer’s future growth in size and spirit. We can get there if those who pledged last year pledge again and give just 10% more, or if we get 10% more pledges from those who have not pledged in the past. If ever there were a time to up your pledge, or pledge for the first time, this is the year.

We can talk too much about money, as important as it is to helping our church thrive. But stewardship also involves pledges of time and talent.  Sunday school teachers, the altar guild, choir, ushers – these are just a few of the volunteer activities that contribute to the quality of life in Redeemer.  Above all, remember that stewardship is a spiritual enterprise.  We begin each stewardship season by examining the quality of our spiritual lives and the role Redeemer plays in them. As you consider your pledge, that’s the place to start.

We look forward to joining together in this circle of bounty, where our gifts unleash the richness of a community full of blessing, joy, and song. The more we give of our time, talent, and treasure, the more we will receive.

Tom McNaugher    Mary K. Young
Stewardship 2024 co-chair Stewardship 2024 co-chair


  • What is a stewardship pledge?

    A pledge is a written promise to give a specific amount of our personal resources to the church for the coming year’s work. A pledge is a deliberate and prayerful decision to commit a portion of our assets to our church community and to the goals we hope to accomplish. As against weekly offerings in the donation plate, which are appreciated but unpredictable, a pledge allows the Vestry to make realistic budget

  • How can I pledge?

    To make a financial donation, you can go to and click the “donate” button on the main navigation at the top of the home page. To make your pledge, you can email Margaret Church, our bookkeeper, at and let her know your plans.

    You can fill out a pledge card and put it in the plate at service, or mail it to Redeemer. You can fill out an on-line version of the form here.

    You can also talk to one of the Stewardship Committee chairs (Mary K. and Tom)

  • How much am I expected to pledge?

    Whatever you feel moved to give. There is no “expected amount.” When we pledge, we are making a glad offering of a portion of our wealth to doing God’s work. It is above all a spiritual decision, reached after careful and prayerful reflection.

  • What are the main sources of Redeemer’s income?

    The short answer: pledges. Redeemer enjoys other significant sources of income -- the Strawberry Festival, special music events, and rental income among others – but pledges make up roughly 90 percent of its annual budget.

  • What is the proposed budget for 2024?

    We have prepared a draft of the 2024 budget so that we can estimate how much we can afford to pay in salaries and benefits to our Rector and our Director of Music Ministries. In 2023, personnel costs were only 43 percent of the budget, but we are estimating them to be 47 percent in 2024 reflecting the addition of a rector. The budget for operations and administration (costs to maintain the church and rectory, the mortgage, office supplies and equipment, and other administrative costs) are projected to make up 47 percent of the budget. Church programs (music, altar guild, education, pastoral care, Diocesan contribution, etc.) are budgeted to consume 11 percent of the budget.

  • How are pledges distributed across the congregation?

    The distribution of the 54 pledges received in 2023 was as follows:

  • When does Redeemer need pledged income?

    You can fulfill your pledge on whatever schedule suits you – all at once, quarterly, weekly. The important thing is to get your pledge in before Advent so the Vestry has a solid basis for planning.

  • Are there other ways to support Redeemer financially besides cash pledges?

    Redeemer will gladly accept gifts of publicly traded stocks and bonds in lieu of cash or in addition to cash. These types of gifts may provide a tax advantage to you if they have appreciated in value because you will get a charitable deduction for the full amount of the gift (saving tax at ordinary tax rates) and not pay taxes on the appreciated amount, as long as you have owned the stock for one year. You may also consider providing for Redeemer in your will if you wish to.