FIVE (June 16)

Moving Forward

in Conversations that Strengthen Community

This session will be devoted to taking stock of where the process of preparing to call a new rector stands, and the discussion of questions and issues that are uppermost at the moment.

We will converse in small groups to identify points that are worth raising at this stage, and then discuss them together.

In preparation for the session, it might be helpful to give consideration to questions like these:

Am I any clearer about the priorities we should have in issuing a call for a new Rector?

Do I have sense about what kind of priest would be best for us at this time?

Some of the gifts/values we would like to see in the next rector can easily be expressed in rather general terms, e.g “a dedicated pastor.” But what does that mean in practice? Before our meeting see whether you can get more specific about one of these gifts and describe the actual practices you would like to see her or him be committed to. For example:

I would like to see a priest who prioritizes in-person pastoral care, setting aside time to see individuals of all ages to offer counsel and support, enjoys spending time with different groups in turn, and is prompt to respond to personal crises, such as health emergencies.”

Are there issues we might be neglecting to examine at this stage?

How should we focus and deepen our prayers for the next phase of our parish’s life?

What commitments might we be making now in order to be a healthier community for welcoming a new Rector as our leader and partner in ministry?

Save the Dates:


January 22


March 5


April 16


May 14


June 18


July 30


August 20