Worship is at the very heart of our common life.  We gather as a parish community to praise God, to hear and reflect on God’s Word, to be nourished in the Sacrament, and to go forth in mission to the world.  Our worship not only expresses who we are, it makes us who we are.


As a parish of The Episcopal Church, the American branch of the worldwide Anglican Communion, our worship is grounded in the rich liturgical heritage of The Book of Common Prayer, a living tradition rooted in over two thousand years of church history.


At Redeemer, Christian formation begins when parents bring their children to church; even the youngest among us participate in worship.  On Sunday morning, children and youth gather as part of the worshipping community at the beginning of the 10:30 Eucharist.  They attend Church School during the Liturgy of the Word, returning to the nave at The Peace in order to participate in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 


All who seek a deeper relationship with God in Jesus Christ are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion at the Lord’s Table.  Consecrated grape juice and gluten-free Communion wafers are available at most liturgies.  Those who would prefer to receive a blessing are also welcome to come to the altar rail during the administration of Communion. Children of all ages, including infants, may receive communion with their parents’ consent.





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